Little Big Horn College, Crow Agency, MT

What are the steps to embed YouTube Shorts using idukki?

Forums Start Here NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS What are the steps to embed YouTube Shorts using idukki?

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    • #1436

        To embed YouTube Shorts using idukki, follow these steps:

        1. Sign up for a free idukki account or log in to your existing account.

        2. Create a YouTube widget and select “YouTube Stories” as the network.

        3. Fetch YouTube Shorts by providing the URL of your desired channel.

        4. Customize the widget’s appearance.

        5. Generate the embedding code.

        6. Depending on your website-building platform, follow the platform-specific instructions to add the embedding code and display the YouTube Shorts widget on your website.

        • This topic was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by idukki.
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