Little Big Horn College, Crow Agency, MT

Quick steps to update Safari on Mac

Forums Start Here NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS Quick steps to update Safari on Mac

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    • #1159

        If you are looking for how do I update Safari on my Mac then you must follow these steps:-
        1. First click on the Apple menu which is located in the corner of the screen.
        2. Then click on System Settings or System Preferences.
        3. Then in the System Settings, choose update in the Window.
        4. Then your Mac device will restart automatically when the update process is completed.

        • This topic was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by techzeel.
      • #1177

          Updating Safari on a Mac is essential to ensure you have the latest features, security enhancements, and bug fixes. Here are the quick steps to update Safari:

          Check Your macOS Version:
          Before updating Safari, make sure you’re running a compatible version of macOS. You can do this by clicking on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen and selecting “About This Mac.” Check your macOS version; if it’s outdated, consider updating macOS first.

          Update macOS (if needed):
          If you have an outdated macOS version, go to the “Software Update” section in the “About This Mac” window. If updates are available, click “Update Now” to install them.

          Open Safari:
          Launch Safari by clicking on its icon in the Dock or locating it in the Applications folder.

          Check for Updates:
          In the top menu bar, click on “Safari” and select “About Safari.” A window will appear, displaying your current Safari version. If an update is available, it will be mentioned here.

          Download and Install Updates:
          If there’s an update available, a button labeled “Update” or “Upgrade” will appear next to the current version number. Click on it, and Safari will begin downloading the update. Follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

          Restart Safari:
          Once the update is installed, Safari will prompt you to relaunch it. Click “Relaunch” to complete the process.

          Verify the Update:
          After relaunching Safari, go back to the “About Safari” window to ensure you are now using the latest version. It should display the updated version number.

          Extensions and Plugins:
          Sometimes, Safari updates may affect extensions or plugins. Check your installed extensions to make sure they are compatible with the new version of Safari. You may need to update or disable incompatible extensions.


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